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&Alcoholic Drinks

Samyang Specialty Ingredients can be used in
alcoholic and non-alcoholic products to reduce sugar
and calories and improve quality.

  • Carbonated Drinks

  • Water Jelly

  • Soju

  • Soy Milk

  • RTD Coffee

  • Beer

  • Applying Nexweet® Allulose to beverage and alcoholic drinks provides sugar and calorie reduction and helps to make refreshing beverages.

    Applying allulose blend to drinks
    improve cost reduction and ease of use.

  • The use of Fiberest® Resistant Dextrin in beverages can supplement dietary fiber and enhance the product's body.

    Moreover, it can improve swallowing and has an effect of masking odor and off-taste.


  • Nexweet® Allulose
  • Fiberest® Resistant Dextrin